

Feline exhibitions are firstly a beauty contest where  judges choose and reward the most beautiful cats.

These demonstrations allow breeders to meet other breeders – exhibitors plus visitors, as well to share their passion that to drink a friendship glass.

To know a bit more about judgments clic here.


British results
Norwegian results

Sylvie HUBER – Eleveuse Diplomée CETAC N° C-1937 – Certificat de capacité N° 78/428 – Chatterie des Gummis en Sucre – Rue Hoche, 78000 Versailles – tel : 06 62 51 02 70 –  Elevage déclaré auprès de la Préfecture des Yvelines et de la DDPP  – Code APE 0149Z – N° SIRET : 753 932 722 00014 – N° de TVA intracommunautaire : FR 96 75 39 32 722